Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Helping Hand
        The above article is written by United Nations(UN). It is about the lack of women's rights in Afghanistan. They are "calling for the full recognition of the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan." The UN along with the international community have declared the equal rights of men and women. They are trying to integrate Afghanistan women back into society as they were in the 1970s and protect women and girls from further mistreatment.
         The United Nations Security Council resolution 1325, made in 2000, called for the end of violence against women and girls in Afghanistan. It also realized the need to include women in the peace process. The UN has cooperated in numerous peace negotiations all stating their utmost support of protecting women's rights. In 2001, World Food Program(WFP) offered one of few opportunities of jobs for women in Afghanistan. The UN has also supplied medical care, food, and job offerings. Today, the UN continues to involve themselves with the plight of Afghanistan women and girls. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that such a large organization (most every country) can find it difficult ensuring rights and peace.
