Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some Solutions...

Two-State Solution: A two-state solution in Israel would be if West Bank and Gaza Strip were an independant Palestinian Arab state that coexisted with a Jewish Israeli state. For example, in 2001, the Camp David solution was created which is still the current method being used. Some believe Britain in 1922 followed this solution when  they split the country Jordan, dominated by Palestinian Arabs, off from Israel.
 http://www.israelpolicyforum.org/issue/two-state-solution and http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Two-state_solution

One-State Solution: The one-state solution would combine West Bank and Gaza Strip with Israel to create one state. Everyone would have equal rights. This is seen more as a backup plan to the Two State Solution, but it's becoming more popular as the two-state solution fails to resolve any issues. The Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Arabs would be united, their identies combined, and they would be forced to live in harmony. If this were to happen, Israel would stop being a Jewish state. Jews do not generally support this plan although Palestinian Arabs do tend to favor it.

Bi-national State Solution: Bi-national state is similar to the one-state solution. It would combine West Bank and Gaza Strip with Israel to create one state. Everyone would have equal rights. The difference is in bi-nationalism Jews and Palestinians would keep their separate identities.This plan is not favored as people are scared it would further divide the two groups. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Binational_solution


  1. Tess, I completely agree with the one-state solution because when the two-state soluton fails, the one-state option makes sure there are no territory problems and also brings equal rights. You never know when the two-state solution will fail to resolve issues... the option you chose is a great back-up plan.

  2. I also agree with you guys. The one-state solution is the way to go. For as long as this conflict has been going on, not much progress has been made. With the one-state solution, the Israelis and Palestinians would be forced to get along because their people and identities will be united. Although Jews do not agree with this solution, I think overall it will be beneficial. If this solution were to be put into effect, the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians will finally be improved.

  3. It makes me nervous to agree with you guys because the one state solution might give them the same government; however, there are still going to be many big issues, especially if one group becomes larger and takes over the office. That would cause the same problem and it would be just as hard to correct a corrupt government as trying to unite a nation.
